Day 2 Reflection for Islamic Relief Women’s Empowerment Trip to Jordan

Today we visited the Gazan Refugee Camp in Jerash. This camp hosts more than 29,000 Gazan refugees in a space of 0.75 square meters.

As we walked in to meet Fatima, a mother of three who is also caring for her disabled husband, we were met with the piercing smell of mold caused by the lack of windows and proper ventilation. Fatima lives in a makeshift shack, covered by flimsy aluminum sheeting with no kitchen, bathroom, running water, or electricty. All five members sleep in one room which is infested by cockroaches and rats. They have been living in this condition for the past three years. Please watch her story below and contribute:…/marwa_aly_for_syrian_women_ref…


Day 3 Reflection for Islamic Relief Women’s Empowerment Trip to Jordan: Health, Education, Aspirations


Day 1 Reflection for Islamic Relief Women’s Empowerment Trip to Jordan: Layers of Relief- Navigating Hope and Frustration